Convert JAR file to DLL for use in Visual Studio

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8 Responses

  1. Denis says:

    why do I get this error

    warning IKVMC0111: Emitted java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in “……

    • Kaarthik says:

      Hi Denis,

      Please check if your Java Project Version is set to 1.7 or below.

      If your project Java Version is 1.8 or above you will get this warning.

  2. Peter says:

    I keep getting this error:

    fatal error IKVMC5015: Invalid path:

    even though I have copied the .jar file into the ikvmbin\bin directory…

    • Kaarthik says:

      Hi Peter,

      Could you please change the directory path to ikvmc folder before executing the command. That should resolve the issue.

  3. Krishna Chaitanya says:

    I have dependency jars in web-inf/lib. I am getting the below warnings while converting to dll. And .net code is failing with noclassdeffounderror BouncyCastelProvider.

    I am using jdk1.7.0_97 and ikvm8.1.5717. Could you please help.

    warning IKVMC0100: Class “org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider” not found

  4. sarika says:

    I an copying the jar files out side bin and in ikvmc folder and still seeing the error : fatal error IKVMC5015: Invalid path: Could you please suggest

  5. Jannat says:

    I’m Using ikvm-7.2.4630.5, the jar file is created in JavaSE-1.7 environment. this command “ikvmc -target:library -out:CraftedForEveryoneJarToDLL.dll -recurse:”./*.jar” runs without error. dll file is created. Dll and IKVM.Open.JDK.Core.dll is added to a C# console project (VS 2019). But “using ….” does not recognize the package name.
    Can somebody help? I followed all the steps in this article. – Thank you.

  6. Michael Ash says:

    I just downloaded from get hub, which folder do I use?


    About 6 years ago I retired and haven’t programmed since. At that time I converted a Java Project to a dll with great success using this syntax:

    ikvmc.exe -reference:E:\JavaProject\IKVM_DLLs\*.dll -out:E:\JavaProject\IKVM_DLLs\XXXXXXXXX.dll -target:library E:\JavaProject\ReferenceLibs\XXXXXXXXX.jar

    I don’t understand the folder structure(unzipped, which folder do I execute from?

    Thank you very much.

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